Reading (40mins), Math Reasoning (40mins), Thinking Skills (40mins) and Writing (30mins).
Reading consists of 30 questions, testing peers on Multiple choice, Poems, Gapped Text, Extracts and List of Heading. This needs to be completed in 40 minutes.
Maths contains 35 questions that need to be completed in 40 mins. Some of the main subjects that are tested are perimeter and area, numeral basics, speed and time, date counting and algebra.
Thinking Skills
Thinking Skills needs to attempted in within 40 minutes as it contains 40 questions.
Questions include data analysis, Venn diagram, conditional statement, argument, logic sequencing and graphic reasoning.
The writing test is given as a single task which must be done in 30 minutes. The same topic will be given to students that may test them on narrative, informative or persuasive writing. Other types of texts may be allowed depending on the task given.